Search engine local indian search engine

 Recently, there are many Indian companies have come forward to remove their dependence on foreign companies. These companies have come up  many new ideas and possibilities in front of us. These companies have given their full contribution towards ‘Make in India’ and ‘Self-reliant India’ of the government. In the present time, privacy and security have become a important issue, information of people is being sold without their desire, we are getting cyber crime incidents every day.

Recently many Indian companies have started efforts due to sensitive activities happening on Facebook, WhatsApp and many digital media platforms. 

With the advancement of the Internet and technology our privacy is losing their importance. Have you ever wondered why advertisement of products you were just browsing or searching is being shown? Have you ever think why the song you were just discussing with your friends in a group chat has just showed up in your YouTube recommendations? 

We share our information with many websites and apps everyday. Just as we allow cookies from a website and as we allow apps to access our Gallery location and Contacts, we are being kept a track off.

All this data which we unintentionally share by typing keywords making Google search and everything, is being used by big companies and corporations which will use this data in order to provide us products according to our interests. Sometimes we must think how harmful this is. But the real question in our mind should be about, why would they invade our privacy for this? We don’t even realise how quickly data is shared and the information about our everyday lives is revealed without our information.

1. WECRIPT | Private, Fast, Safe & incognito Search

WECRIPT Private, Fast, Safe & incognito Search

An Indian technology company skarn RoboticS created search engine know as WECRIPT Search Engine’. The creation of the idea of ​​creating an application that would improve people’s lives, keeping that completely in mind of privacy.

sKarn RoboticS respects and protects their user privacy and security by building world-class state of the art technology. So, its prime focus is to make the web safer and secure for everyone.sKarn RoboticS product Wecript search engine aims to tackle the threat posed to the privacy of users and provides accurate results to stop the spreading of fake information.

People often unknowingly trade security and privacy to use services on the internet. While searching information on the internet on search engines, from any browser cookies tracks user activities. Wecript provides people with no data tracking and precise information. Wecript search engine also have some special features such as accurate information, the option to choose any country, supports various formats, image search, fast search, safe search,Incognito browsing – your data is deleted when you close the app etc. Wecript search engine runs on their own in-built browser to avoid data leakage for instance, all in one wecript browser, has various exciting features, that runs on their own in house search engine not only this browser have various advanced state of the art technology features like, reader mode, app lock, bookmarks, private download manager, clean design etc.

Apart from the search engine and browser they have many other products like Wecrypt photo editor, has the most unique and interesting feature which includes features like, face editor, body shape editor, collage, insta square, rotating pictures, and it is easy to save and share.

2. Qmamu


Vocal for Local, under India’s ongoing initiative, Atmanirbhar Abhiyan Nishith Rajeshbhai Dhanani 22 years old, from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, has launched a new private search engine on 26 January 2021 After 8 months of mind storming coding , completely based on the security of user data.

Data is saved in encrypted form in the fast operating Qmamu search engine and has the power to provide search results five times faster than the other search engines. Thus, it has become the world’s fastest powered search engine. Not only this but now, the user will also not have to face data loss because Qmamu will focus directly on the user searched data without performing unnecessary loading while performing the search.

Search results in Indian Language:

One of the key features of the Qmamu search engine is, Besides English, it can display search results in more than 15 indian regional languages. 

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