WhatsApp has recently changed its privacy policy, and users are quite unhappy about it and if users don't accept this policy their account will be deleted.According to the latest in-app notification received by numerous users, those who haven't agreed to the new Terms and Conditions will have a deadline that is May 15. Many people think that it would allow WhatsApp to share more data with its parent company, Facebook, without giving users the opportunity to opt-out of it. That's why many users are looking for various alternative to replace the application. WhatsApp user's in India are looking for local messenger apps to support the Atmanirbhar Bharat movement. If you have been wondering about the Indian chatting apps here are some made in India chatting apps.
Indian Chatting apps list
Hike Sticker Chat
Hike Sticker Chat was one of the most popular Indian chatting apps which was known for its unique approach as a messenger application. With HikeLand, HikeMoji, Stickers and more, it was one of the best WhatsApp alternatives but Hike application is closed, but you can download two new applications by the organisation which are Vibe and Rush that are just two subdivision of HikeLand and Hike Games.
Namaste Bharat
Namaste Bharat is another Indian Chatting app that you can look for if you wish to switch from WhatsApp messenger app. Namaste Bharat is a very better WhatsApp alternative that will fulfil all your needs. The services on this application include text messaging, voicemail, group chat, multimedia sharing and real-time location sharing etc. Namaste Bharat also offers data syncing which users can use on multiple devices to ensure that the user does not lose all their chats. It also offers Business chat options more similar to WhatsApp business. Users can also use the whiteboard feature such as conducting webinars, schedule live conferences and more.
Indian Messenger app
Indian Messenger app has earned its popularity by the "Vocal for Local" campaign. Developed by Loopytime private limited. Indian messenger app includes features like text messaging, calling, story, chat requests, and a global search like Facebook or Instagram and many more. It also rival with Twitter and FB having an interesting feature that allows users to share a message with an unlimited number of people.